PVC Films Used in Medical Device Applications
Anyone who lives in a part of the world that has access to running water, electricity or sanitation services, has enjoyed some of the benefits of polyvinyl chloride film (PVC). Well-researched and versatile, this plastic, made from oil and salt, is also one of the most sustainable materials on earth. As a result, PVC is also now found in numerous medical devices, the two most common of which are containers and tubing.
PVC Film Containers
Before the 1960s, plastics were not widely used in the medical industry. Subsequently, the risk of infection from a medical device was notably higher than it is now. Today, hospitals worldwide use single-use PVC containers like blood bags and oxygen masks, resulting in better-sanitized devices and a lower risk of infection for patients. Made from 57 percent chlorine, PVC also requires less oil and heat energy to produce, in comparison with similar plastic products. It is also 100 percent recyclable.
PVC Film Tubing
PVC is uniquely well-suited for use in medical tubing. It's flexible, yet tough material is resistant to scratches and kinks that can render lesser materials useless or even dangerous for use in a medical setting.
Furthermore, as medical tubing often comes into direct contact with patient skin or bodily fluid, PVCs' inherent suitability for sterilization makes it an ideal choice for this type of medical device. Likewise, since hospitals and clinics use PVC film tubing on a day-to-day basis, and in relatively high quantities, the ability to reuse it significantly cuts down on plastic waste and CO2 emissions.
With its many uses and long-term sustainability, PVC has an important role to play in the continuing advancement of the medical device industry.