Lee, Massachusetts - Boyd Biomedical announced the release of its documentary, Project Frontline, in partnership with Digital Eyes Film Productions. The film is a real-time account of the emergency response efforts by the manufacturing industry in Massachusetts during the coronavirus pandemic. It uncovers the hard truths about what we have learned from this experience and how we can leverage those lessons to foster greater innovation, stronger domestic manufacturing, and supply chain resilience in the future.
The documentary follows the pandemic from the early days of the crisis, through the rolling outbreaks, and ultimately into its endemic stage. It captures the dynamic stories of manufacturing companies, academic institutions, and healthcare providers working together as they struggled to erect and sustain critical supplies of equipment including PPE, to testing, and vaccines.
Project Frontline sounds the alarm for industry and government to learn from the successes and the failures of the pandemic and act with a sense of urgency. Its ultimate call to action is to reconstruct our industrial policy - and rethinking the role and critical importance of American manufacturing which stands to make our communities and our economies more resilient. For more information about the film please visit www.project-frontline.com.
Boyd Biomedical and Digital Eyes Film are hosting a film premiere on October 26, 2022, at 7:30 pm at the Regent Theatre in Arlington, Massachusetts. The event is open to the public and free to attend. For more information click here. Please join the conversation and help us make a difference by spreading the message of Project Frontline and the importance of advanced manufacturing in America.
Digital Eyes Film Productions is a US-based (Northampton, MA) independent media/production company specializing in documentary film, social impact media, independent distribution, and media consulting. Since 2003, Digital Eyes has logged countless hours in all corners of the media and entertainment industry, producing content from documentary features, to premium content for a global client base of NGOs and community-based organizations, and major motion pictures with Hollywood talent. For more information, please visit www.digitaleyesfilm.com.